What is Black Pepper Extract?

Black Pepper Extract is a substance extracted from the fruit of black pepper (Piper nigrum). Black pepper is one of the most widely used spices in the world, popular not only for its unique taste and aroma, but also for its potential health benefits. The main active ingredients in the extract are alkaloids such as piperidine, which are thought to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and digestive properties.

As a professional Black Pepper Extract supplier and exporter, GreenSkyBio is committed to providing high quality Black Pepper Extract. Our products undergo strict quality control to ensure every batch meets the highest quality and safety standards.

Feel free to contact us to learn more about how GreenSkyBio Black Pepper Extract can fit your product needs. If you have any questions or needs about our products or services, please feel free to send an email to sales@greenskybio.com, we look forward to working with you.

Black Pepper Extract
Black Pepper Extract
Black Pepper Extract
Black Pepper Extract
Black Pepper Extract
name Black Pepper Extract
Exterior fine brown powder
Attributes plant extracts
purity 95%
Product ingredients Piperine, alkaloids, essential oils
source Dried berries of Piper nigrum (black pepper)
use Spice, flavoring agent, herbal medicine
Test Methods High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC)

Sources of Black Pepper Extract

Black Pepper Extract is derived from the ripe fruit of the black pepper plant. This plant is native to India and is now widely cultivated in tropical areas around the world, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil and Sri Lanka. The growth of black pepper requires a warm and humid climate and fertile soil. The natural conditions in these areas provide an ideal environment for the high-quality growth of black pepper.

Production Process of Black Pepper Extract

Raw material collection: Selected ripe black pepper fruits.

Extraction process: Use water or organic solvents to extract active ingredients from black pepper.

Concentration and purification: Concentrate and purify the extract to increase the content of active ingredients.

Quality testing: Conduct strict quality control and testing, including active ingredient content and microbial testing.

Packaging: Packaging in a food-safe environment.


AppearanceBlack or brown powder
Active ingredient contentCustomized according to customer needs
MoistureComply with standards
Heavy metal contentComply with international food safety standards
Microbiological limitsMeet food safety standards


Antioxidant Properties: The antioxidants in Black Pepper Extract help reduce damage caused by free radicals.

Promotes digestion: stimulates gastric juice secretion and improves digestion process.

Anti-inflammatory: Helps reduce inflammation-related symptoms and discomfort.


Antioxidant propertiesProvides cellular protection and reduces damage caused by oxidative stress
Promote digestionEnhance gastric juice secretion, improve digestion process and nutrient absorption
Anti-inflammatory effectReduce inflammatory response and relieve joint and muscle pain

Benefits of Black Pepper Extract

Improves overall health: strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to disease.

Promotes Digestive Health: Helps the digestive system work more efficiently.

Reduces Inflammation: Used to treat inflammation-related health problems.

Application areas

Health Food: As a dietary supplement, providing health benefits.

Food industry: as food flavoring and natural preservative.

Herbal Medicine: Used in traditional medicine to treat various health conditions.

Contact Information

As a specialized supplier and exporter of Black Pepper Extract, our products are certified with major international standards including CNAS, Kosher, ISO 9001, Ecocert, HMA and GMP to ensure that they comply with the highest quality benchmarks. Our facilities are Global Good Manufacturing Practice certified, guaranteeing superior quality in every batch.

Whether you are a manufacturer, supplier, exporter, importer, distributor, wholesaler or retailer, we can help you find the perfect Black Pepper Extract for your product needs.

Product names in different countries

China: Black Pepper Extract

India: काली मिर्च एक्सट्रैक्ट

US/English: Black Pepper Extract

Germany: Schwarzer Pfefferextrakt

Italy: Estratto di Pepe Nero

Japan: ブラックペッパーエキス

France: Extrait de Poivre Noir

UK: Black Pepper Extract

Russia: Экстракт Чёрного Перца

Canada: Black Pepper Extract

Australia: Black Pepper Extract

Spain: Extracto de Pimienta Negra

Netherlands: Zwarte Peper Extract

Brazil: Extrato de Pimenta Preta

South Korea: 흑후추 추출물

Türkiye: Karabiber Özü

Poland: Ekstrakt z Czarnego Pieprzu

Sweden: Svartpepparextrakt

Mexico: Extracto de Pimienta Negra